
Bergen Collab

From: alejo.duque@europeangraduateschool.net
Subject: Re: [pikselproject05] osc messages
Date: September 29, 2005 11:59:52 PM GMT+02:00
To: pikselproject05@drone.ws

On Sep 29, 2005, at 7:56 PM, JS wrote:

About the offline/online issue. I'm thinking that if the data is gathered offline, the best way to go would be to build a database with which we could interface. Especially, one of the things we'll have to do in any case is associate GPS positions with pre-filmed movie scenes shot at these locations, so we'll need a database anyway.

theres a need to build a RDMS, good point. it will make things easier to control even from the "magic carpet" if we decide to use it. but the less we do things offline the better IMHO in special in this relation between video keyframes to gps waypoints mentioned earlier.

If we are to do everything offline, better start thinking about a way to represent this database and to interface with it in Drone. OSC would then just be used to convert the data from k2o to this database. What should we use? MySQL? XMLRPC?

What do you guyz think?

anyway SQL is already present via gpsdrive; kismet works with gpsdrive as you guys very well know...k2o filters data in realtime...speed, altitude, direction..whatever we like to be melted with video, openGL, sound instruments, etc., but say also that clicking rec or any other camera button will create a waypoint we could ourselves tag -kapitalist, yuppies, punks, dog-run, etc-..this experimental interface has been built with pd+pidip but it only went till the point of overlaying gpsdata over video signal in realtime...no waypoints could be created interactively as far as i know, and it will be interesting to see at least an approach to realtime sensible data mapping...going off-line with this will be like imovie or final cut effects...nice simulations.

looking at the OSC bridges from kismet (or gpsdrive if there are) i tend to think its possible to be done in pd or, if drone if it gets firewire input and OSC is already inplemented(?) maybe we can do this in drone in a lively way. surely some things will be done offline, but the more we can do in realtime the better.

mis dos centavos,

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