dragorn: for kismet to get signal levels the drivers have to include a per-frame signal header before the 802.11 frame
dragorn: to the best of my knowledge, the bcom binary drivers in the wrt don't.
alcazam: can you point me at the relevant code in your source ?
dragorn: I know they don't in managed+rfmon
dragorn: pcapsource.cc
dragorn: it's all in there. wrt is a mix of inheritance of a few things though.
alcazam: thanks
dragorn: pulling it from the OS layer isn't very reliable at all
nevola: but the readme file says that wrt54 is supported :?
dragorn: sure
alcazam: so is it the new version wrt or the previous as well
dragorn: doesn't mean signal levels are, however
dragorn: no version I've ever seen supports per-frame signal levels
dragorn: I have no code to handle per frame signal levels on the wrt, in any case, so if it doesn't send them exactly the same way as other drivers, it'll come out as complete garbage
dragorn: Many drivers don't report signal levels
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dragorn: Signal levels in rfmon are, in a large part, crap anyhow
alcazam: oh ,i see
dragorn: which is part of why I don't consider not having signal levels really critical
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halcazar: is the info on the header (signal level) available?
dragorn: there is no signal level header on wrt.
dragorn: that i've ever seen anyhow
halcazar: yes, i mean for other hardware/drivers
dragorn: yes, they're all documented in various places. I don't know of any single central repository
halcazar: thanks man, you have cleared the darkness for me!
dragorn: google, ethereal, or the kismet source has some info
dragorn: though I don't try to document all the options as much as just use them
halcazar: there is a musatcha site that says they have windows software that works with wrt but i cant get signal streghth with it either
alejoo: dragorn do u know if the ipw2100 reports signal levels in kismet?
dragorn: alejoo: not 1.0.4
alejoo: (
dragorn: alejoo: if you dig around on the mailing list archives for 2100 you can find a prism2avs header patch
dragorn: which gives a fair amount of info and some signal levels
alejoo: k, merci
dragorn: I don't believe full stats will happen until the kernel gets standard signal headers
dragorn: which is hopefully in the works
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