aca intentare copiar && pegar algunos textos cortos que me llamen la atencion, la idea es publicarlos de manera rapida desde el dashboard para ver que tan practico es el sistema. si pasa la prueba, tendre aca un archivo de anotaciones. util para estrategias futuras.
acerca de sonido e identidad (tecnologia)
On Oct 12, 2005, at 1:07 AM
Pregunta el SIT:
1. Que diferencia encuentras en la manera como se ha asumido la tecnología en nuestra comunidad con repecto a otras comunidades (ej: Los ayer´s usaron guitarras electricas, batería y bajo para hacer musica colombiana en los años 70)
R/yo vi a los ayer's tocar a mitad de los 80'as en mi colegio, ya eran viejos los ayers y tal vez la profesora que los invito a tocar en el dia del bazar quisiera creer que se apoyaba en ellos como ejemplo de banda que podria ayudarnos como "influencia" o modelos a definir nuevos rasgos musicales y artisticos...pero claro la presentacion de los ayers fue por nosotros menospreciada, como buenos esnobistas preferiamos oir tocar un cover de dreams (los clash o the cure) que esos hippies de ancon inspirados en la psicodelia...una lastima no haber tenido referencias suficientes para poder leer el uso que hacian de sus instrumentos. La comparacion entre los ayers versus dreams es interesante, nos dice que ambos solo hacian "covers" ya fuera de la cancion, de la formula musical o hasta del peinado y la pose de cierto musico....asi tambien Bajo Tierra por ejemplo inspirada en los clash o big audio dynamite (sampling)...extraña conexion esa con un movimiento punk ya acabado en Londres pero bien replicado y resucitado en narco medellin.
porque aun suena BigAudioDynamite en las emisoras de medellin? si ya no suena en ninguna otra parte?? porque son unos amarrados y no compran musica en las emisoras o porque verdaderamente hay un reflejo social y cultural en el uso de samples y las letras de las canciones?? yo me quedo con la primera opcion aunque me gustaria pensar que es la segunda.
Es dificil comparar "nuestra comunidad" con otras comunidades...en la musica electronica de la cual no soy experto esta claro que en colombia, paricularmente en medellin tenemos un gran vacio en referencias, y no hablo solo de sonidos o tecnologias sino de la historia de la practica misma, del hacer la musica electronica o mejor, del hacer la electronica musica. Yo para nada soy un defensor de la academica pero es claro que es un gran vacio en "nuestra comunidad", y dicho vacio que podria ser para bien, ya que permitiria, gracias a la libertad e ignorancia, la no-presencia de estructuras musicales de educacion formal pero si la mas abierta y fresca de las experimentaciones no formales...
lastimosamente eso ultimo poco se ve, o se oye. la mayoria (de lo poco que conosco de musica electronica hecha en colombia, se basa en casi los mismos sonidos, parches, samples y loops de lo que suena en el "underground" de limewire o cualquier otro p2p. como los ayers hicieron con los beatles, dreams hizo con the police, bajotierra con the clash, estados alterados con depeche mode x con mouse on mars, y con dj bobo y z con la misma pretencion esnobista con que se yo el sello pi del undergound holandes...blablabla.
entonces si hemos de seguir con los "esnobismos" y parte del ejercio se trata de comparar comunidades, aunque no este deacuerdo con esta linea pero por la salud de la respuesta propondria pensar en la "historia" del duo austricaco Farmers Manual quienes no limitan sus click a la modulacion de samples, no limitan el computador a solo el sonido sino que se expanden a imagen, web y comunidad...tal vez sea eso lo que pueda decir, creo que la musica electronica en "nuestro" contexto apenas empieza a ver el horizonte de la colaboracion, de la imbricacion dentro de una manifestacion que no solo puedan clasificar como artistica sino social, y claro no me refiero al Dj wannabe raver que socializa en el aleteo del deck o cualquier otra fiesta de hotel estil "after-party" comunidad eso a lo que seguramente jardin cosmico apunta...y no se trata solamente de otro *net-label que copia el modelo "net-label" ni de otro "home-made" CD sino de un evento como este del SIT que reuna a gente a pensar la relacion entre sonido e identidad (dejando de lado la tecnologia que nos es nada mas que un instrumento accidental en este caso y en la mayoria de sus apariciones)
si hemos de pensar tecnologia, debemos entonces considerar la economia a la que pertenece, de de ahi llegamo rapidamente a la conclusion de que obedesemos a ella. y que como muchos han escrito en otras partes, el boom de la musica electronica se debio tambien a una estrategia de mercado para vender mas computadores...ahi estaria definida otra mas de la razones que han afectado a "nuestros" jovenes.
otro vector que aparece al mirar el componente tecnologia, es el de las clasificaciones segun el hardware+software usado...desde los sonidos con el amiga ha los hacks de game boys pasando llegando al live coding de chuck o cualquiera de los miembros de
2. Conoces algún proyecto de nuestra comunidad que tenga un acercamiento a la tecnología de manera particular y que pueda tener alguna repercusión internaciónal? (Ej: Luis Paz -Goes, Planetarica- diseño y contruyó un filtro analogo de altas especificaciones)
no aun. pienso en los delirios wagnerianos de juan ospina con Comportamiento y Salud...pero como no conosco lo del "filtro analogo de altas especificaciones" (suena algo asi como una herramienta usada por los espias ingleses liderados por turing en la segunda guerra mundial o tal vez por pablo escobar para mandar mensajes codificadas en sonido acerca de rutas y ordenes) me quedo corto en la respuesta...y ya que esta la palabra internacional, no sobra decir que internacional no significa un grammy, eso es lo peor que le puede pasar a un como ser bajado de categoria, ser descreditado.
3. De las tecnologías que conoces cual crees que es la que mas puede beneficiar el desarrollo de proyectos sonoros en los proximos años? (ej: la posibilidad de hacer trasmisión de conciertos en internet)
Como elemento sonoro y experimento social internet fue muy bien explorado en 1998 por colegas y amigos como Rasa, Raitis y la gente de Re-lab en Latvia (ver: quienes hicieron comunidad y sonido a traves del delay producido por sus streams que viajaban alrededor del austria y londres a riga a australia.
Si, internet, pero antes de ir a internet debemos practicar eso que se llama colaborar, y sin esperar nada a cambio (si eso es posible)
Despues de esto, cualquier tecnologia servira de disculpa y claro internet es la gran replicadora de redes, potencializa bien los efectos de una produccion.
4. Alguna experiencia en tu relación con la tecnología que quieras compartir con estas personas?
el movimiento de software libre es un buen lugar desde donde repensar ambas practicas, el hacer comunidad y el hacer musica-video-ruidos-paginas webs-experimentaciones-net.radios etc...
son algunas palabras que se me ocurre podrian dar referencias via google
se que hay muchas cosas por discutir y pues si se quiere para eso estan los blogs y sus casillas de comentarios.
from flirian cramer on the Negroponte Enterprise
The European Media Lab was launched at the height
of the tech bubble but closed its doors in
January this year. Its output may disappoint the
Irish government, but it won't surprise anyone
familiar with the original MIT Media Lab.
You left out the juicy bit:
| The institution was founded in the 1980s by Nicholas Negroponte
| as a way of relieving gullible corporations of their money. The
| haphazard and often whimsical "research" was scorned by real computer
| scientists, but succeeding in its goal of attracting attention from
| a gadget-happy mass media. Negroponte even funded his own tech porn
| publication: Wired magazine, to promote the utopian adventure.
| And they're still at it. This year we featured the Labs' Clocky - a
| shagpile-covered alarm clock that runs away from you.
| The only difference with MIT Media Lab Eire is that the taxpayer,
| rather than, private donors, were invited to sponsor the playpen.
| We can't improve on the Sunday Times description of the scandal,
| written by John Burns, which begins thus:
| "One of its biggest research projects was a sensor to read peoples
| minds. But MediaLab Europe (MLE), a project that cost the Irish
| taxpayer almost ¤40m, must have thought the Irish government was
| already telepathic. It refused to tell ministers how many people it
| employed, what they were paid, or to provide audited accounts."
This seems somewhat symptomatic for the whole so-called "new media" cyberkitsch,
and I wouldn't be too sad if these were the signs of its ultimate collapse and
vanishing. I wouldn't be surprised if in one or two decades, people will consider
"new media" retrofuturist camp, just as "cybernetics" before.
of the tech bubble but closed its doors in
January this year. Its output may disappoint the
Irish government, but it won't surprise anyone
familiar with the original MIT Media Lab.
You left out the juicy bit:
| The institution was founded in the 1980s by Nicholas Negroponte
| as a way of relieving gullible corporations of their money. The
| haphazard and often whimsical "research" was scorned by real computer
| scientists, but succeeding in its goal of attracting attention from
| a gadget-happy mass media. Negroponte even funded his own tech porn
| publication: Wired magazine, to promote the utopian adventure.
| And they're still at it. This year we featured the Labs' Clocky - a
| shagpile-covered alarm clock that runs away from you.
| The only difference with MIT Media Lab Eire is that the taxpayer,
| rather than, private donors, were invited to sponsor the playpen.
| We can't improve on the Sunday Times description of the scandal,
| written by John Burns, which begins thus:
| "One of its biggest research projects was a sensor to read peoples
| minds. But MediaLab Europe (MLE), a project that cost the Irish
| taxpayer almost ¤40m, must have thought the Irish government was
| already telepathic. It refused to tell ministers how many people it
| employed, what they were paid, or to provide audited accounts."
This seems somewhat symptomatic for the whole so-called "new media" cyberkitsch,
and I wouldn't be too sad if these were the signs of its ultimate collapse and
vanishing. I wouldn't be surprised if in one or two decades, people will consider
"new media" retrofuturist camp, just as "cybernetics" before.
morocco - argelia border
this is the situation:
Since the past week, Moroccan Authorities are responsible of Sub-Saharan immigrants´s deportations to the Sahara Dessert, on Argelian territory. They don´t have into account any agreement to accept these deportations. Deported immigrants are in an arid zone with just arena, not town, not food, not water. There are declarations that report about eight deaths (one woman and two men) and a undetermined number of disappeared persons. Sub-Saharan´s original countries are numerous: Congo RCD, Costa de Marfil, Mali, Nigeria, Liberia, Camerun, Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Congo, Brazzaville, Gambia, Niger, Somalia, Sudan etc...
We order:
* To the European Commission, Spanish Government and United Nations: the immediate research of these facts.
* To the Commissioned High of United Nations for Refugees: the protection and asylum to people that demand it in Moroccan territory.
* To the Moroccan Government the immediate engagement of these deportations and the respect to the human rights.
* To the Algerian Government to effect a international protest in front of these facts. They have to try protecting to these deported persons of possible negative repercussions.
* To the origin countries governments and embassies: research about these facts and defence of human rights of its citizens in Morocco.
we are looking for gps data to generate maps to hand to the people being deported:
this are the cities that serve as reference to where their are located, its important to keep in mind that all main roads are under surveillance and that water is fundamental. if anyone has information from this region please send it to
email sent to:
we looking for gps maps or data to generate them from the borderlands between morroco and algeria, around the cities of:
Bou Arfa
Er Rachidia
it will be use for humanitarian porpuses in this desert areas where hundreds of persons are being deported during the last week. and elsewhere
thanks in advance for any light on where or how to get references for the area...water or shelter and of course not only the main roads
Since the past week, Moroccan Authorities are responsible of Sub-Saharan immigrants´s deportations to the Sahara Dessert, on Argelian territory. They don´t have into account any agreement to accept these deportations. Deported immigrants are in an arid zone with just arena, not town, not food, not water. There are declarations that report about eight deaths (one woman and two men) and a undetermined number of disappeared persons. Sub-Saharan´s original countries are numerous: Congo RCD, Costa de Marfil, Mali, Nigeria, Liberia, Camerun, Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Congo, Brazzaville, Gambia, Niger, Somalia, Sudan etc...
We order:
* To the European Commission, Spanish Government and United Nations: the immediate research of these facts.
* To the Commissioned High of United Nations for Refugees: the protection and asylum to people that demand it in Moroccan territory.
* To the Moroccan Government the immediate engagement of these deportations and the respect to the human rights.
* To the Algerian Government to effect a international protest in front of these facts. They have to try protecting to these deported persons of possible negative repercussions.
* To the origin countries governments and embassies: research about these facts and defence of human rights of its citizens in Morocco.
we are looking for gps data to generate maps to hand to the people being deported:
this are the cities that serve as reference to where their are located, its important to keep in mind that all main roads are under surveillance and that water is fundamental. if anyone has information from this region please send it to
email sent to:
we looking for gps maps or data to generate them from the borderlands between morroco and algeria, around the cities of:
Bou Arfa
Er Rachidia
it will be use for humanitarian porpuses in this desert areas where hundreds of persons are being deported during the last week. and elsewhere
thanks in advance for any light on where or how to get references for the area...water or shelter and of course not only the main roads
Los U´wa habitan entre los 72° 32´ de longitud oeste y los 6° 30´ de latitud norte, en la Cordillera Oriental localizada en los Andes colombianos. Ocupan la región conocida como Sarare que abarca espacios de los departamentos de Arauca, Boyacá, Norte de Santander, Santander y Casanare. Dicha región se extiende desde las postrimerías de la Sierra Nevada del Cocuy y del Piedemonte Llanero hasta el Valle de Pamplona, en el norte. El asentamiento poblacional actual está localizado en la vertiente oriental de la Sierra Nevada del Cocuy-Güicán.
He practiced a method of protesting by civil
disobedience to fight the british. A part of the freedom movement was how to make salt on owr own, without depending on the british, and how to make cloth on owr own without depending on the imported mill cloth. These are good illustrations of how technology could enable people develop a culture. So we adopted that spirit and gave the call: let us weave our own code.
disobedience to fight the british. A part of the freedom movement was how to make salt on owr own, without depending on the british, and how to make cloth on owr own without depending on the imported mill cloth. These are good illustrations of how technology could enable people develop a culture. So we adopted that spirit and gave the call: let us weave our own code.
turistas de mierda o de chocolate?
Olsen said he preferred the term "space flight participant" to "space tourist."
"'Tourism' implies that anyone can just write a check and go up there. That's not what happened," he told AP.
"'Tourism' implies that anyone can just write a check and go up there. That's not what happened," he told AP.
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